Reward calculation

At the core of LETSTOP's reward system is a dynamic formula that evaluates various factors of a user's driving behavior to calculate the credits earned. This formula considers:

  • Duration of the drive: Longer journeys without phone usage accumulate more credits.

  • Frequency of phone usage: Fewer interactions with the phone yield higher scores.

  • Consistency of safe driving: Regular safe trips result in bonus credits accumulation.

TD β€Žβ€=β€β€Ž Time driven SV = System value In = Interval NoT = Number of touches Im = Impact magnifier KMD = Kilometers driven β€Ž%KMD = Represents the percentage of kilometers driven (KMD) β€Ž%TM = Represents the percentage of time driven (TM) CID = User’s car ID Lvl= Levelβ€Ž

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